By Cestina
South Bohemia,
Czech Republic
Hello everyone, I've been very quiet for a while because I generally only garden in the summer when I am in the Czech Republic. But I have a UK question...
I bought three small Azaleas for a £1 each from Ikea in October and they have been amazing. Flowering is now over though, new green leaves are shooting and I want to know if I can plant them outside, probably in pots, and whether they need frost protection still.....
Any ideas please?
14 Mar, 2014
Thanks Bamboo, that's very helpful. The label just says Rhododendron but from what you say, and looking at photos on-line, I think it is the Indian one....
I think I will tuck the pots in the car with me and take them off to the CR since it will probably be too early to stand them outside when we leave here at Easter.
15 Mar, 2014
Keep them in a shady spot and well watered, I know it can get pretty hot out there.
15 Mar, 2014
It depends (nothing's easy is it) on which variety of Azalea they are. The usual one sold like this is the Indian Azalea (Rhododendron simsii) because it has larger, more open, bell shaped flowers which are 1.5-2 inches across, and this one cannot be transplanted outside. The other one sometimes sold is a Japanese Azalea (R. obtusum) - it has smaller, funnel shaped flowers about an inch across with glossy leaves (no hairy underside, like the Indian one has), and this one can be transplanted outside after hardening off.
If your plant looked as if it was smothered in flower, with barely a leaf showing except round the edges, it's likely to be Indian azalea. You can stand this one outside during the summer months when there's no frost, and bring back inside for winter if you want to try to keep it.
14 Mar, 2014