By Lovemyveg
United Kingdom
When should potatoes start needing feeding? Most of them are in the ground, but the "extras" are in large pots and bags. Will they need feeding earlier than those in the ground. What's the best fertilizer to use on them?
27 May, 2010
You feed the soil prior to planting the potatoes you do need feed the potatoes when they are growing.
27 May, 2010
Thanks, yes I did add well rotted manure and home-made compost, so all should be fine. Just was not sure about the "extras" in the bags, but again, in the bottom half I put the well rotted manure, so they will also be OK. Thanks for your joint help.
29 May, 2010
Never? We incorporate compost into the ground before planting and have never fed them afterwards.
27 May, 2010