By Yorkiedave
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I need a climber to grow up a north facing brick wall any suggestions, would prefer something that flowers
28 May, 2010
...or Clematis Nelly Moser. This would ned support of a trellis or wires. Or you could try a free-standing shrub that looks as if it's climbing, such as Garrya elliptica (grey catkins in winter) or Chaenomeles (red or pink or white varieties). I have both of the last two on a north wall.
28 May, 2010
How about Passion flower.
28 May, 2010
Thanks for your suggestions
28 May, 2010
Scottish flame flower if you can get it, but again will need suport but wonderful red flowers followed by blue berries.
28 May, 2010
Previous question
Hydrangea petiolaris or seemanii, Clematis Armmandii (apple blossom) or Parthenocissus (boston ivy)
28 May, 2010