By Phoebewhite
United Kingdom
Hi there, last year I bought 100 snowdrops 'in the green' and was really looking forward to seeing them this Spring, I know we have had an absolutely horrendously wet Winter but I was really disappointed when out of the 100 only 1 flower came up, they were planted in and around trees where I already have a few snowdrops (they all came up as usual), I was wondering am I being impatient? Do they take a couple of years to settle in?
18 Mar, 2014
How deep did you plant them? Discussion on gardeners' question time a few weeks ago suggested that they need to be a lot deeper than you expect.
18 Mar, 2014
Which is odd, the ones in our wood are often dug out by the mole and still flower even on the surface.
18 Mar, 2014
They didn't all come up at all, about a dozen showed leaf but nothing else appeared just this one flower, I am now also wondering about depth, I suppose I put them in about 4" maybe less, in other words I didn't just cover the bulb it was deeper than that.
19 Mar, 2014
How disappointing! Is it possible that something has eaten them? I also bought snowdrops in the green, but this year. 1000 of them! I hope I get better results next year!
20 Mar, 2014
Hi, yes I suppose they could have been eaten, I've just bought some more so fingers crossed I have better luck next year, one of the joys/disappointments of gardening I suppose, good luck to you too, please post photos if they all come up.
20 Mar, 2014
Thanks Phoebe! Love your dog!
20 Mar, 2014
Looking again at the depth. When planting green Snowdrops you should plant them so that the non-green part of the stem is buried, but not any of the already green. Hard to explain really, but I hope you see what I mean. Sounds to me like they were a tad deep. they may well come up next year when they have managed to move themselves up wards to their favoured depth.
22 Mar, 2014
Previous question
« i bought some tulips last year but failed to plant them. should i plant them...
If they grew and did not flower then yes they are taking time to settle in.
As for the wet winter, we were shown some flowering under water and the garden owner fully expected them to survive as long as the soil dries out in Summer.
18 Mar, 2014