Just purchased a Corylus Avellana,HELP!!
By Billboy
United States
Just purchased a Corylus Avellana Contorta.The branches are mostly bare,with some growth on the bottom.What's wrong?I WANT TO HELP IT THRIVE!
On plant
Corylus avellana
28 May, 2010
I would LOVE to help this plant survive and thrive.Because of it,s uniqueness returning it is not an option.
1 Jun, 2010
Perhaps its more unique over there than it is here then, where its commonplace. Prune back any dead parts, but if the growth "at the bottom" is coming off the rootstock and the branches from there are not twisted or contorted, but straight, then that is the rootstock growing and not the grafted "contorta" part.
1 Jun, 2010
Not very common at all.Very informative info,THANKS! May have wintering problems?Let's talk more.PLH Bill
8 Jun, 2010
Does particularly well in alkaline soils, this plant and is fully hardy here in Britain - not sure how hardy it is where you are though, I know some parts of the USA get very cold indeed.
8 Jun, 2010
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If you've only just bought it, I'd take it back to wherever you got it from.
28 May, 2010