By Jeanna
We're moving houses and I'm curious how to transplant roses. They haven't been in the ground very long - about six months. Is it safe to dig them up? Should I put them in giant planters or back in the ground?
19 Mar, 2014
The climate here is hot with high humidity all year round. No spring, autumn, or winter here. Just summer.
19 Mar, 2014
in 6 months i doubt if they have made much growth so you should be okay without any need for giant planters, but avoid putting them in ground that has held roses
can we have some of your summer?
19 Mar, 2014
I'm a bit wary of answering when I don't know about your climate, but in the UK, I'd prune them then transplant them with plenty of soil to get all the rootball, and then give them a feed. Obviously water them in!
19 Mar, 2014