United Kingdom
We have a circular bald patch in our lawn roughly the size of a frying pan which refuses to grow grass. We have tried sowing seed without success and recently have dug out a 2ft 6in square 1ft deep, replaced the soil with fresh and laid a new turf on top but still the circle is dying off after only 6 weeks - what is the cause and is there anything else that can we do?
29 May, 2010
I've a similar problem on the crown of my head. Any suggestions for that? (I've not tried grass seed, but I'm getting desperate as I get sunburnt there all the time.)
29 May, 2010
Ha ha, Bertie - you need a hat!
29 May, 2010
Dear guest, do you have any trees over-hanging this area? Certain trees and shrubs can drip damaging residue, especially after watering or rain.
Bertie, i just have to say you really cheered up a very dull, wet day!!! lol.
29 May, 2010
may be a bit daft but,where my soak-away is in the lawn, the grass always struggles to grow,mine is about 15ft or so from my house,
just a thought.
29 May, 2010
I agree with Plantmaiden as my Mum has a soakaway about 10ft from her downstairs loo extension and the grass is very poor there.
29 May, 2010
bertie go to a tattooists and have a rabbit tattood on your bald patch as it will look like hair lol.
30 May, 2010
lol NP but why a rabbit?!
30 May, 2010
it sounds better as a joke skillen lol .
30 May, 2010
wear there used to be waves theres just beech i fully understand bertie lol
30 May, 2010
i think i got it,rabbit and 'Hare' well i hope thats what you meant.
30 May, 2010
no i take that back i have just read it again,god i feel daft.
30 May, 2010
yes it was lol
30 May, 2010
noseypotter,am i losing the plot or what.
30 May, 2010
yes lol
30 May, 2010
Previous question
Although I know you're in the UK, you haven't said where - did you keep the patch watered after replacing the soil and laying some turf? Because if you're anywhere in the south, it's been wetter in the Sahara than it has here...
29 May, 2010