United Kingdom
Any suggestions please for small evergreen shrubs to plant with French lavender in the borders beneath windows on either side of door at front of house . There are standard bay trees flanking doorway and a classic symmetrical scheme would probably work best. A box hedge has just been planted around perimeter of lawn at kerbside.
29 May, 2010
a friend has used Euonymus 'emerald gaiery' which is the green and white one it is easily trimmed and controlled but provides a structure to the bed which is there at all times of the year, fading into the background in summer but still there bright and fresh when everything else is dormant
30 May, 2010
Previous question
Personally think Rosemary would compliment this esp as you have quite a formal design all of which will require clipping to keep in shape.
Rosemary responds well to this too after flowering of course and fragrance under windows is always lovely.
30 May, 2010