By Tuesdaybear
United Kingdom
I bought small pots of crocus and planted them in their pots, in the ground, as suggested by the Nurseryman, with a view to dividing and replanting after flowering. However, I've since heard that there is no need to divide. Which is correct and do I leave until Autumn to replant in the ground? Thank you.
29 Mar, 2014
Thanks for the help, Seaburngirl.
29 Mar, 2014
Get them out of their pots an into the ground once they have flowered and the leave have died back. Otherwise they will start to grow new roots in the pots… wouldn't hurt to feed them with something like tomato food as they are dying back. And, be prepared for the fact they may not flower next year.
29 Mar, 2014
yes you are quite correct MG they will have put out new roots by then.
29 Mar, 2014
I usually plant them out of their pots where I want them to flower. They do bulk up in time but over a few years. So you can leave them until the autumn, lift them then and remove the pots and replant where you want them to flower next year.
29 Mar, 2014