VERVE flower
By Chouanne
United Kingdom
I have just bought from a " known " D.I.Y. a tray of some plants which come under the category ERYSIMUM...
The title on the plastic label is " VERVE". The plants are not flowering yet, except for 1 which is still in bud and I can notice that it will be yellow. I got online to try and find out which type of plant this was and to my disappointment I realise that Erysimum = wallflower. In my garden I already have wallflowers in my borders, so I didn't want some of those again. I thought that VERVE was the name of the plant. No matter when I try to FIND OUT online some details about this Verve flower I draw a blank. Please help.
1 Apr, 2014
One thing that might be worth mentioning - if they've been sold as Erysimum rather than Cheiranthus, they are more likely to be perennial, with a growth habit that is more shrubby than your average, standard wallflower (cheiranthus).
1 Apr, 2014
Agree with Teadrinker, my nearest Garden Centre is B&Q, and Verve is their own brand.
You'll notice a lot of products with Verve on them. Compost is one such product.
1 Apr, 2014
Hi Bamboo, Cheiranthus is now included in the genus Erysimum, but are listed as a species, but I agree they are more likely to be the perennial species, Derek.
1 Apr, 2014
Yea, you're right, Derekm, but for some reason, the garden centres still label wallflowers as cheiranthus and other ones, like Erysimum Bowles Mauve, as Erysimum, so there does seem to be an inclination to keep erysimum for the perennial ones.
2 Apr, 2014
If the company in question was B & Q, Verve is the name of their own brand gardening range.
So it could be that you have a bespoke mixture of wallflowers that have been selected from the huge range available, specifically for the needs of the typical B & Q customer (ie relatively easy-care, good performer).
Given that they will have been sold at superstore prices rather than at rare-and-exclusive prices, if you don't have a use for them in your own borders or pots you could sneak them into the neighbourhood instead. Offer them to a local school, nursing home or cemetery?
1 Apr, 2014