By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Is this celandine special?
I know the wild one with plain leaves is an absolute pest. But is this a named variety?

5 Apr, 2014
I wouldn't risk it, or at least don't let it seed! It isn't as though the leaves were going to be evergreen.
5 Apr, 2014
Its all through that part of the border. I do keep pulling it out but we know what this little thing is like :o)
6 Apr, 2014
At least it disappears in the summer. I glyphosated some last year in desperation and it has helped somewhat - but they are everywhere here too, lawns, banks, hedges -- but they are beautiful!.
6 Apr, 2014
Ranunculus kochii is very similar to this one, a larger version of R. ficaria.
6 Apr, 2014
Now that is interesting as this is larger in leaf and flower. I will have to do some investigating.
just looked and it isn't a match :o(
thanks for the suggestion though. It might be a case of sending it to the RHS for a proper id.
7 Apr, 2014
The larger Celandine in our garden are the ones growing in the wetter, more fertile areas.
8 Apr, 2014
Yes Thanks snoopdog I knew that. However there are some named garden varieties and I just wondered about this one as the leaves are pretty.
5 Apr, 2014