What is it
By Bwegner
Can anyone put a name to my plant, please ?

26 Oct, 2007
Sorry for typo on previous answer. I can spell really! To add to info. - the Guzmania is one of the Bromeliads and they need bright light away from direct sunlight. Mist leaves in summer to avoid brown tips on leaves, feed through leaves in the sprayer. Never overwater. Hope this is helpful.
27 Oct, 2007
Faerieflora might be the one to ask!
My mother in law had one of these and I can't for the life of me remember the name! If I do I'll shout
27 Oct, 2007
It is a Calathea Crocata.
28 Oct, 2007
hi i agree with dawn is defo a calathea - i used to own a flower shop and we had a batch of these come in and i kept one for myself - but to be honest found it hard to keep, my friend also had one and she had no luck either, and we had them in very different locations, mine was in full light and the soil was kept quite dry, she had hers in the bathroom with little direct sun light and fairly moist conditions - i could'nt find out much about what it likes so it was trial and error, and to be honest they are such stunning plants they all sold out very quickly in the shop - did'nt have any returned though! - maybe they are just short lived - good luck with it hopefully yours will do better for you - maybe talking to it is the key lol.
29 Oct, 2007
To Majeekahead. Thankyou for your invaluable input. I looked up the name at www.houseplants.co.uk and you were absolutely correct. Got some tips on care of my plant on the site. wolud recommend them to anyone.
9 Nov, 2007
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Have been perusing ref. books, the only one I can suggest is Guzmania lingulata - but not sure beacuse the leaves don't quite match up! Flower looks right, though.
27 Oct, 2007