By Dba7108
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
i want to install 6 sprinklers in the garden linked to a Hozelock automatic water timer. The sprinklers will be pushed into the soil and the hose hidden so its a permanent solution.
At the moment with 6 sprinklers going the pressure is a bit low. How can i boost this? would i need a pump, a separate water tank?
can anyone think of a cheap way to do this.
i do have a power shower pump going spare if anyone can think of a way to use it? maybe try and get hold of a water container and take water off the gutters?
any advice please.
30 May, 2010
well i think gettint the water of the gutter is a great idea as you can link the water buts uo .i thaught the pipework with the pouras walls was better than the sprinklers myself and you could run these from thr bottom of the water buts as filled they would have a lot of pressure full up .
31 May, 2010