By Jsbach
Hi - I'd like to know if evergreen jasmine and wisteria can grow together - thoughts? I am finishing the garden and have lovely things plants can climb but I want more than the seasonal wisteria ( need more green,)
10 Apr, 2014
yes bamboo is correct as jasmine and wisteria are vigirous climbers and will try to compete for light one will end up not getting enogh light and will can prune it but the thing is with most climbers is if you cut the top of it,it will grow quicker on the sides but cut on the sideds and it will grow much faster on the top! believe me my niebour once had a star of bethlehem vine and when she pruned it a bit on the top it started to grow on the sides! also by my school is a huge wall and on the top is a jasmine sticking out!
11 Apr, 2014
I wouldn't recommend planting them together, particularly if whatever they want to climb isn't 40 feet by 40 feet. Jasmine gets up to 35 feet and about half as much wide, and Wisteria, unless kept strictly pruned and under control, can grow right up to the roof and into the guttering on a 2 storey house and cover the wall from side to side...
10 Apr, 2014