United Kingdom
Foxglove Illumination. Has anyone brought these through the winter? I had six of them, five of which I mulched well with garden compost and the other one spent the wint
14 Apr, 2014
very unusuall case merlin,mabye the soil wasnt good quality either way fox gloves die quite easily.even moving them to another pot kills them (as i discoverd)
14 Apr, 2014
I planted 6 out last August that I had grown from seed and they are lovely now, very green and lush. Mind you they are under a tree so perhaps are a bit sheltered.
14 Apr, 2014
Thankyou Wildlifebalcony and herbgarden. Perhaps the soil isn't right, although it's different in the two spots I used. i'm very jealous of you Thg! Would love to have them.
15 Apr, 2014
I have read that this variety isn't as perennial as its cracked off to be though. Hope they do grow for you.
15 Apr, 2014
Sorry about the sudden ending there. My laptop is on its last legs and jumps about.
I put one foxglove in a plastic greenhouse for the winter.
None of them are showing any signs of life. I thought the ones in the ground could have become waterlogged but cannot think what I did wrong with the one in the greenhouse. It had leaves in early spring but has now died.
14 Apr, 2014