By Ad44downey
United Kingdom
Hi, can anyone identify this green leafy plant please? I'm guessing it's some old weed but then I know very little about gardening! Sorry I can't give any more info, I can't remember seeing any flowers on it or anything. Thanks in advance.

14 Apr, 2014
May turn out to be a weed (dock?) but leaves are similiar to a few of the many varieties of persicaria (aka polygonum) as suggested .
15 Apr, 2014
Brilliant thanks. I've never heard of polygonum before so will have to look it up. If the flowers aren't nice on it then it's coming out asap! I do sort of need the space to plant something else anyway.
15 Apr, 2014
they tend to have pinky flowers and they are a good plant depending on the variety. some grow 3ft or more tall.
16 Apr, 2014
Looks like some sort of Polygonum
14 Apr, 2014