By Sprog
NP26, Monmouthshire,
United Kingdom
For Bamboo

14 Apr, 2014
Thanks for checking through this for me. I just get a bit over the top worrying about the cat. She's a gentle little girl and I would hate to have anything happen to her. I am grateful to you Bamboo for being helpful.
14 Apr, 2014
Under EU regulations Westland are required to publish a Safety Data Sheet accessible to the public. I looked this up and you can find a comprehensive Data Sheet in a PDF format at:-
14 Apr, 2014
And were there any other herbicides present, Myron?
Sprog - I understand your concerns, given that cats do have a propensity to eat longer grass. You can always clip back any grass overhanging which she might access after the treatment's been down 7 days.
15 Apr, 2014
Dunno Bamboo, didn't read it much, just thought I'd post the link so that Sprog could go through it and make their own judgement.
15 Apr, 2014
Well out of curiosity, I just had a look myself, following your link Myron. Interesting that they don't list all ingredients because the 'mixture isn't classified' under certain European directives. But it is clear that there are no other herbicides in it other than glyphosate....
16 Apr, 2014
Well it appears that all seems fine for Sprogs cats then, which is good :o)
16 Apr, 2014
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This product appears to be based on glyphosate - I couldn't find an ingredients list anywhere, so not sure what/if it contains anything else as an active ingredient, but so long as the list on the back doesn't include anything like 2,4D or other herbicides, once the spray has dried, its safe for your cat to go out. Glyphosate is inactivated once it hits the soil, but it does bind to soil particles; after 7 days, even if your cat eats some grass in the treated area, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
14 Apr, 2014