By Littleweed
United Kingdom
when and how hard do i prune my eucalyptus tree
15 Jul, 2008
The most common Eucalyptus grown in our gardens is Eucalyptus gunnii which can grow up to 6in (15.2cm) a year in good conditions. It's this very rapid rate of growth can take people unawares and the tree can eventually become quite unmanageable. This isn't a problem if you take action to remove the top of the tree when this is within reach, however, and it will to some extent 'bush out' near the top, though as stated above, sooner or later a leading shoot will take over and extend the upwards growth again.
There is another reason for pruning Eucalyptus gunnii, however, and that is that it has two types of foliage. Eventually the tree starts to bear adult foliage with long lance shaped greener leaves, but when it is young the leaves are rounder and a grey/blue colour which is quite attractive and often used in flower arrangements. By pruning when the plant is maybe 6in (15.2cm) high down to about 2in (5cm) or 3in (7.6cm) high you will retain the juvenile more attractive foliage but, of course, the plant will never become very large - it really depends which leaf type you prefer.
The amount you prune a plant depends on the type and when it flowers. Shrubs which flower in spring or early summer are flowering on last year's growth and benefit from removing some of the stems just after flowering. This encourages new growth which will flower better the following year.
Plants grown for their foliage or bark, such as Cornus, produce a better display from new growth. Both these can be cut hard back each spring. It may be possible to propagate cuttings from the pruned stems Hope this is of some help - all the best Ken
15 Jul, 2008
It all depends how much room you have and whether you want a large tree or just a bush?
We had one that nearly uprooted the front wall of the garden so it had to go. If I had a large garden I would love to grow the full sized tree.
16 Jul, 2008
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In late Spring you can cut it down to a stump and it will regrow like a multi stemmed shrub.
15 Jul, 2008