Dahlia question
By Whiskydew
United States
This is my dahlia that I started from 1 tuber. Can I separate them to make 3 plants or do I plant them all together.

17 Apr, 2014
Thank you so much for helping me. First time starting them in the house. Zone 5.
Could you please tell me how take cuttings just to try. Could I put them in a deeper pot and bury them a little deeper so they are not so leggy. They won't able to go out side for at least a month to plant in the ground.
Thanks for all your help Seaburngirl.
18 Apr, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, if youcut the stems off about 1/8th of an inch above the leaves that are just above the compost, and then go up the stem to the first set of leaves, and cut just below the leaves, and then trim off the bottom leaves, you can use these as cuttings, insert them round the edge of a 3" pot and either put them in a propagator, or put a polythene bag over them, and keep them warm, but out of direct sun, they should root in 2 to 4 weeks, and the leaves that were next to the compost will send 2 new shoots out, 1 at each side of the leaf, these will make your plant bushier, and will be ready for planting out at the end of may or early june, you will need a free draining compost for the cuttings, and should not be allowed to dry out, Derek.
19 Apr, 2014
they are one plant and personally I'd plant it as it is. However it is looking a bit leggy so it needs more light to make it grow stronger.
If you want to take cuttings they are a bit too tall but they may still root.
17 Apr, 2014