By Harvester
United Kingdom
Hi attached photo of a Wasp this is the bigget wasp i have seen in my life, is it a mutant? We have lots of them feeding on a plant in our garden. Plant is also on the photo anybody tell us what it is? John & Gillian

31 May, 2010
Definitely NOT a wasp!
31 May, 2010
Hi Bamboo .. well it has colouring like a wasp & it hums louder than other wasps .. so what do you think it is? We have loads of them feeding on this plant along with normal wasps & bees?
31 May, 2010
if you go to the natural history website ( or access it by googling ' giant wasp') theres very good info saying it a european hornet and docile
31 May, 2010
I'd say it was a hornet as well - scary though, wouldn't want that blundering into me...
31 May, 2010
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« Dear All, I have rhubarb and it has grown a flower can you tell me do i leave...
I had one a couple of years ago-- it got in the conservatory so I put a jar over it and googled it , the one I had turned out to be docile and only stung if really agitated so i let it go
31 May, 2010