By Vincentdunne
Meath, Ireland
2 Trillium from Mount Usher for I.d'ers.
- 22 Apr, 2014
The more commonly grown one that fit the pictures, Vincent, would be Trillium chloropetalum for the red ones and T. albidum for the white. There are more unusual species which 'could' match the images.
22 Apr, 2014
Hi, I would agree with Scotkat, T Cuneatum for the first photo, and T Grandiflorum, {possibly flore pleno}, for the second, Derek.
22 Apr, 2014
Great pictures btw Vincent
22 Apr, 2014
Thanks folks, taken with my phone, Andrew! My camera had run out of battery. I have put them on 'Dave's Garden' to see if anyone in the U.S. might be able to spot the differences between the species. I have no reason to suspect that they are that unusual.
22 Apr, 2014
Could be Cuneatum or Erectum
22 Apr, 2014