By Debmitchell
United Kingdom
I have planted some wallflowers this year and they are just flowering, what do i do with them at the end of the season. I know nothing about plants and dont know which are annuals or perenials. I have also got some busy lizzy impatients as well and am not sure about them either. Thank you
16 Jul, 2008
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With the wallflowers, you can if you like leave them in place and allow them to set seed. They will grow again from the seed, but the resulting plants may not show the same colour and vigour as the originals.
16 Jul, 2008
Wallflowers are biennials. They grow one year and flower the next and die after flowering. Once they have finished you dig them out and start again.
Impatiens, Busy Lizzies are tender perennials which are treated as tender annuals. They can be kept over winter, but it is not always worth the effort. Dig them up and pot up in September, before the first frost, cut them back by 2/3rds and keep in a frost free, light place over winter.
16 Jul, 2008