By Nannyann
United Kingdom
Hi I have a very small garden and only one side gets sun in the afternoon there is a patch at the bottom of the lawn that hardly ever gets sun and with all the rain we have had over the winter it is like a swamp . Does anyone have any ideas as to what if anything I can put on it to soak up the water
27 Apr, 2014
Hi, a small willow will soak up a lot of water, and won't be too bothered by the shade, Derek.
27 Apr, 2014
I think possibly dogwoods do similar and don't grow so big?
28 Apr, 2014
Thankyou to all who replied I think I will try the dogwood Ann
30 Apr, 2014
Could you create a bog garden? Or alternatively put a drain in, by building a soakaway?
27 Apr, 2014