By Gilljohn
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone, just wanting to know if anyone is hooked on growing Heuchera's and Heucherella's? I love pretty well all plants but i think the foliage on these plants are just so beautiful.
27 Apr, 2014
Thanks Seaburngirl, i will look up plantagogo, cheers Gillian
27 Apr, 2014
Vicky and Richard Fox are the proprieters. friendly and helpful. have you seen the trailing ones?
27 Apr, 2014
No i hadn't heard of trailing so i just looked them up, oh i am in heaven, it looks like there is only 3 so far, sure would love to get one of those!
27 Apr, 2014
I have pots on my patio which is north facing, but gets sun later in the day. They are planted with heucheras as the colour lasts longer than any flowers can.
27 Apr, 2014
I think they're great, got several dotted about- always give a bit interest!
28 Apr, 2014
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I have several but I'm not hooked on them. several members grow them and love them. One member is a breeder of them and won a prestige gold at the Harrogate spring show this week. Her company is plantagogo. if you are hooked have a look at their web site. they are wonderful.
27 Apr, 2014