United Kingdom
Please could you tell me what the plant is in the attachment below. I have purchased a cobble mat and would like a plant like that in the picture that will grow between the crevices but will not cover the stone. Or do you have any other suggestions? Please reply to kazandlucy@yahoo.co.uk
Many Thanks

1 Jun, 2010
It does indeed, either S acre or a small leafed form of Sedum album.
1 Jun, 2010
I think the plant in the picture is probably something else by the fact that there are Begonias in this image so is probably an indoor plant, possibly one of the small club mosses used in terrariums.
No matter, the above suggestions are fine, especially if in good sunny area. If damp and slightly shaded, you could use Corsican mint or Helexine instead.
1 Jun, 2010
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Looks like a Sedum from this distance.
1 Jun, 2010