By Clairefish
United Kingdom
how long should it take for Berberis Thunbergii to grow once it has been planted?
2 Jun, 2010
thanks for that dido, i bought 60 twigs and planted them 2 and a half weeks ago, there isnt any growth on them at all yet, i am just hoping that they arent all dead!!! and it really is a slow grower, i thought it would be quick and be ideal as a hedge for right round my property,
2 Jun, 2010
I don't think they will be dead, to check just scratch the stems if green and moist the are ok. The fastest growing Berberis is Darwinii its also evergreen, do you need to establish your hedge quickly? Just thinking if you do you could interplant with the Darwinii, but it would mean they would "take over" the Thunbergii eventually and it does seem a shame to lose the plants you already have, could you use them somewhere else in the graden?
2 Jun, 2010
Just give it time, but keep them watered - I wouldn't expect any growth within 2 and half weeks, so ignore them apart from watering.Take a photo of the way they look now and another in a month or 6 weeks, so you can see the difference. And when you say "twigs", were they in pots or bare root?
2 Jun, 2010
thanks dido and bamboo, i will check on the stems as you suggested and i am keeping up the watering, i bought them as bareroots and i will take a picture to compare, it said on the box that they would grow much better as bare roots, i will be patient and see how they go, thanks again,
7 Jun, 2010
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« Just moved to a new house and planted up small veg patch & toms, peppers etc...
Its maximum height is about 5ft, approx 4ft wide in my experience very slow growing I've grown it in a north facing part of the garden, and its only just reached its 5ft in10 years!
2 Jun, 2010