By Granny
United Kingdom
I was given an Anthurium plant in March. The leaves are gradually going yellow/brown & falling off. The red flowers seem okay & there is fresh growth. What can I do to prevent losing the plant? I have had it in my living room away from direct light but now it is on my east facing kitchen windowsil. I read that they like to be potbound & not over watered. Any suggestions pleas.
On plant
Thankyou for the advice. Do you think it advisable to re-pot & if so what sort of potting medium suits best ?
1 May, 2014
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Hmm, I'm wondering where you read that - in fact, they don't like to dry out, so give it a good watering now, then every couple of days feel the compost to see how its doing and give it some more. Don't let it sit too long in water in any outer pot though, empty it out after an hour if it needs it. They do like bright light, but not direct sun, especially summer sun.
1 May, 2014