Alpine garden
United Kingdom
Starting from scratch...i have a slightly raised bed in full sun. Very sandy soil in the base. Do i need compost? and what do i do next??..
16 Jul, 2008
How about visiting a Garden Centre with a good stock of Alpines and choosing some? Or visiting a specialist in Alpines? Then you can plan what you'd like to grow. Good luck!
16 Jul, 2008
A selection of half submerged rocks. Each plant needs a little compost when planting with gravel on top so that the leaves rest on the gravel. Some alpines don't like rain especially in winter I've had to put some little plastic roofs on things like raoulia. A lot of plants sold as alpines aren't really and grow far too tall so ask about them when buying.
16 Jul, 2008
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Most alpine plants like a soil which is not too rich, so sandy well drained is good for them.
Not sure how to tell you what to do next. Do you have a supply of rocks?
16 Jul, 2008