By Boots
United Kingdom
have had to cut back my climbing rose as it seems to have dry stems and isnt growing have cut back to stage when i bought it and as yet isnt recovering, the stems arent brown they look green but very dried
2 Jun, 2010
how long have you had it? When you planted it did you give it lots of loose soil for the roots to penetrate? I suggest you need to give it lots of water and very little feed. the plant needs to get a strong root system going in the first place. Too much feed now will compromise the way it takes up water.
Hope this helps.
2 Jun, 2010
the annoying thing is there is no visible sign of die back but no buds and no new growth, just withered stems .
have let it re establiush itself in the front of house and so far no luck-------- might try miracle grow
4 Jun, 2010
Previous question
give it some good fed like miracle grow , hopefully it will perk up after that
2 Jun, 2010