United Kingdom
hi, my acer was moved last summer from a pot to the ground it was doing well now some of the leaves are curling and dying and it seems to be peeling on its bark any ideas???
2 Jun, 2010
dont know if you received my pics, and thank you for your help. The tree was beautiful last year and for some reason its having a bad hair day!!!!
it doesn't seem to let me send them on here i have added them let me know if you don't receive them.
2 Jun, 2010
No, no pictures - if you're having difficulty adding them to a question, put them on by using the "Add Photos" at top right of the page - they'll be in your Photos under your profile, and when you've done it, let me know and I'll have a look.
2 Jun, 2010
Hi, i have added the photo's now i think you should be able to see them under my profile. thank you
2 Jun, 2010
Had look - unfortunately, the thing I'm really interested in seeing is the bark, and the two pics you have of that are blurry, so it's hard to say what I'm looking at. the only one that isn't blurry is too far to tell what's going on with the bark, other than it having some lichen (which is fine) and what appears to be some kind of damage, as if something's rubbed against it.
3 Jun, 2010
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Have you planted it in a sunny spot? Because if its a palmatum variety, it won't like that, it likes a fair bit of shade. I'm slightly concerned about the bark symptoms though, that might indicate something rather more serious going on. Any chance of a photograph?
2 Jun, 2010