By Junie
United Kingdom
Viburnum plicatum mariiesi - can anyone advise the best time to move this? It is in flower at the moment, but crammed into a smallish spot, I realise it needs more room to realise its potential.
3 May, 2014
Many thanks.
3 May, 2014
I'm understanding from your question that the Viburnum is planted in the ground, but it hasn't enough room for growth. If that's correct, moving it now wouldn't be a good idea - much better to wait till autumn. Otherwise, if its only been in the ground less than 18 months, then you could chance moving it after flowering is over, cutting back the topgrowth by a quarter to a third, but you will need to keep it well watered if you do.
3 May, 2014
Sorry, misread 'spot' as pot. Agree with Bamboo. Unless it has not been in the ground for very long, you are going to damage roots digging it out and so you would have to remove top growth the compensate.
3 May, 2014
Thanks again! I think I will wait for autumn.
3 May, 2014
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As long as you give it a good watering you can plant it out any time now. Keep an eye on it afterwards until it is well established.
3 May, 2014