By Keimon33
United Kingdom
I have a Victoria plum tree it has died I not know why, so I will take it out and replace it with a "coes golden drop" anybody had any luck with this kind I have heared it is lovely
5 May, 2014
dig out most of the soil and replace with fresh if you have to plant in the same place. this will ensure any problems with the soil wont affect the new one.
5 May, 2014
Agree, bacterial canker is the most likely. Did you notice any oozing, gooey sap between the stem and the rootstock or on the branches. As mentioned, I would not want to plant in the same spot, but if you feel you must then, fresh soil and the addition of Rootgrow could be the answer. If you wanted to grow a Victoria type then Jubilee would have a better resistance to viruses.
6 May, 2014
Previous question
« We have a ghost tree and this year (it's 7/8) we hoped that it would flower....
Could it have bacterial canker thats what killed mine.
I would be very wary planting it in the exact same place incase the tree died ftom a soil borne disease
5 May, 2014