By Chino
United Kingdom
Another question on my Arbutus, I removed it from the pot it was in and put it in the ground, since then the leaves have got a disease which I think is "Rust" as the leaves are speckled all over with that sort of colour. what would be the best thing to treat it with.
5 May, 2014
I will try Bamboo, but I have got a laptop now, I haven't had one before so never put photo's on it as yet as I haven't had it very long and only just sorting it out. my old brain isn't as quick as it used to be :) .
6 May, 2014
Just spray it with a fungus control spray bought from any garden centre. I spray my Hollyhocks against rust twice yearly & it always does the trick.
7 May, 2014
I'd like to see it in case its one of the Arbutus Leaf Spots... and if it is, if you've not had it long, I'd take it back from whence it came...
7 May, 2014
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Is there any chance you can add a photo of the plant showing the problem?
6 May, 2014