By Thisisme
United Kingdom
What plants provide the best ground cover under dense trees in summer without becoming invasive?
2 Jun, 2010
Dry shade under a large Acer.
3 Jun, 2010
Millium effusum Aureum Bowles Golden Grass or Millium effusum Aureum Bowles Golden Grass good for dry shade it brightens up a dark corner from spring to early autumn with it’s bright yellow foliage and its ever green
Geranium nodosum semi-evergreen cranesbill, glossy mid green foliage and lilac flowers with dark veins all summer, hardy and likes any soil.
Luzula sylvatica Wood rush ornamental groundcover.
Stachys macrantha is a medium-sized herbaceous perennial with rough dark green leaves and flower spikes of rosy-mauve flowers in early summer.
You could research the above and see if they would be right for you?
Grasses can work well? Take a look at look at Acorus, Carex, Milium (see above), Molinia Variegata, Luzula
4 Jun, 2010
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Is it moist or dry?
3 Jun, 2010