United Kingdom
I have an Aesculus (Horse Chestnut) which has one main growing stem and one other main branch. The buds on the main growing stem have formed but not opened. On the other main branch (one third of the tree) there have been small green leaflets opening as expected but these are now withering and falling off. is the tree dying do you think- if so what are the causes- or is this a disease that is treatable/best left.
The tree is approx 15 years old.
6 May, 2014
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Hi, welcome to GoY, Aesculus are prone to canker, coral spot, leaf blotch and scale insects, but why it would affect only 1 side of the tree is a bit of a mystery, Aesculus hippocastanum is a pretty vigorous tree, so at 15 years old, I expect it's quite large, but has part of it been damaged in some way?, which could account for the conditions you describe, Derek.
6 May, 2014