United Kingdom
How much can I cut back on hellebores, to free up space for summer plants. Thanks.
8 May, 2014
I take all the big leaves off and leave the new ones growing. they look like they are trying to pray as they stick straight up.
8 May, 2014
Thank you Kennyboy and Seaburngirl, that is helpfull. I have a lot of hellibore plants and was hoping to almost shear them to the ground as it is a bit tedious to try to cut back the old stems without inadvertantly chopping of new leaves.
9 May, 2014
I don 't cut them back as long as the leaves look attractive and shiny. the p[lant cant grow any bigger once its leaves are gone.I cut them off when they start to get black spots on them.
9 May, 2014
Hi Steragram,
Thanks, does that imply that if I do cut right to the ground, that the plant will return next year but not increase in size. Mine are enormous already, so that would not be a problem.
10 May, 2014
I suppose so - but why cut them back when they still look good? I agree with Kennyboy.
10 May, 2014
hi i cut mine right back last year when the leaves went brown as if they were dying to about 2 inches from ground level take care though.this year better than ever and still well in flower.just take the dead/dying bits off and bobs your uncle.good luck.
8 May, 2014