United Kingdom
can you recommend suitable plants for patio pots
which will last all year round
3 Jun, 2010
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United Kingdom
can you recommend suitable plants for patio pots
which will last all year round
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Most smaller evergreen shrubs will grow well in pots, though the pots shouldn't be small, so to start with, pots which are at least a foot deep and 8 inches wide, moving up into 18 inches deep by 12 inches wide. In shadier spots, Pieris varieties will do well (ericaceous compost though) and Sarcococca, in half sun half shade smaller Hebes (huge range of these, pick evergreen varieties, most are) Lavender, Convulvulus cneorum in sun, Phormium cookanium varieties, bamboo (large pot eventually, 2 feet deep minimum).
3 Jun, 2010