By Kaz19
United Kingdom
I have a golden false acacia bought at the end of summer last year. When it was planted all the leaves promptly fell off which I put down to the shock of replanting late in the year. It is now early June and I have maybe half a dozen small buds on a six-foot tall young tree. is this normal? Shouldn't there be more buds or at least some leaves by now/ How long do they usually take to recover? Some of the uppermost braches are very brittle and they look dead to me. I'm in North east Scotland and wondered if I should be doing any more i.e. feeding it or something?
3 Jun, 2010
Thanks for that - that's reassuring. I don't think it's completely dead but was a bit concerned but how little life it was actually showing. And yes, late snow and a colder than usual spring woould probably have had an effect too. Will keep an eye on it . . . . .
3 Jun, 2010
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Well, look on the bright side, at least you've got signs of growth and the tree isn't actually dead. I'm assuming you're talking about Robinia psuedacacia - these are often slightly later than a lot of other trees to come into leaf, and this year, the unseasonable cold of May won't have helped. It may be that the topmost branches have died back, in which case, wait for any leaves to open and then clip those back to live wood. Keep it well watered during dry spells - trees need 2 gallons a week minimum during spring and summer and autumn in their first 2 years.
3 Jun, 2010