By Lincslass
United Kingdom
Viburnam ...Help needed please...
I noticed part of my shrub had some dead branches one side so decided to prune them out, upon clearing the ground around the base I discovered something nasty..
First pic is the healthy side which this year flowered well, the following pic shows the problem, as you can see its affecting it right from the ground.
My question, does anyone know if its a complete loss ??. or do I try to remove the affected side.....Thankyou..

10 May, 2014
Thankyou Teadrinker, I was hoping someone was going to suggest that, I inspected it thoroughly and it doesn't appear to be on any of the other trunks and there is a slight gap between it and the other trunks.
10 May, 2014
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As far as I know, bracket fungi grow on wood that's already dead, so they can be ignored for now.
I would try and cut out all the dead wood to as low to the ground as possible, as it looks as though the fungi are growing down to the ground too.
But I'd keep the rest of the bush, because it's a good doer and personally I like the fact that it doesn't object to being pruned! The other side looks very healthy still.
I have the same plant in my own garden, must be at least 30 years old, which was growing as a two-trunked tree. We had to take out one trunk when the neighbour replaced his fence with a taller one, but kept the stump at 3 feet.
We have new shoots coming from the base, the top of the stump, and in between, to replace the trunk we lost.
10 May, 2014