By Tracycluley
United Kingdom
I have a couple of red maple tree's (different varieties) that have been in my garden a number of years, but
recently they have both had large branches that have completely died (so I have pruned them off) & now the leaves are turning brown on the rest of the tree.
Is there any thing I can do to help/save them?
12 May, 2014
If you are in one of the areas affected by the recent very stron winds than might have made the leaves go brown as well - acers can't stand wind.
12 May, 2014
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Other than pruning off affected parts and giving them a good feed to help them cope better, no, there's not much you can do. Acers are prone to getting die back, and often, once it starts, you may end up losing the plant. You should, though, inspect the whole plant for any signs of infection or infestation - scale insect particularly can weaken Acers, so if there's any of those present, treat for that too.
12 May, 2014