By Johnwhitham
United Kingdom
Alex, they are winter pansies and have survived and flowered well but seem to be die-ing off a little now. Will they come back is it worth leaving them in to flower during the summer months or take them out and put them in potts until end of summer season?
14 May, 2014
Hi John, Seaburngirl has answered the question.
When you need to update someone with information they have requested or say thanks, you should type it in the comments box below the replies on the original question, that way we get notified of the reply.
I nearly missed your updated question.
15 May, 2014
you can keep them going over the summer by dead heading etc and feeding them. they will re flower but you may find you get a build up of disease with them. they are grown with the intention of them being disposable.
14 May, 2014