By Pip_c
Southern Sydney, NSW,
I'm looking for a trailing plant with blue flowers that I can put in a hanging basket. Any suggestions?
4 Jun, 2010
Laurentia has a soft lilac/blue flower.
4 Jun, 2010
Scaevola (possibly Blue Wonder) is very popular here in the Czech Republic as a trailing plant for baskets. It flowers non-stop throughout the summer, with very little attention needed apart from watering and trails beautifully.
I also have it in my raised beds in both blue and white.
4 Jun, 2010
I was trying to remmebr that one cestina. I could see it in my minds eye but not the name.
4 Jun, 2010
I could only vaguely remember the Czech name but not accurately enough to track it down. Then, as I went and looked at mine, it suddenly popped into my head!
4 Jun, 2010
Bacopa blutopia. It is easy from seed and not meant for landscaping. It really fills a basket out.
4 Jun, 2010
I don't think Lobelia Crystal Palace is trailing, is it? I always go for Lobelia 'Saphire' dark blue with white eye.
4 Jun, 2010
lobelia ricardii plant will take up quite a lot of space, its a much bigger species than the normal lobelia.
5 Jun, 2010
Thanks to everyone, your answers were great.
9 Jun, 2010
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Trailing Lobelia "Crystal Palace" immediately springs to mind.
4 Jun, 2010