By Benchapman
United Kingdom
Good Morning
Please can you help. We have a brown spikey tree (poss a palm) in our front garden, its about 20ft high. Please can you tell me its variety and could you tell if its in good health. Apologies the photo is not very good. Many thanks.

4 Jun, 2010
good morning yes it looks fairly well next to mine it looks a million times better lol .
4 Jun, 2010
looks well enough. we have one very is maybe ten/twelve foot tall about eight years old.this year it has flowerd for the first time.i will send picture later.
4 Jun, 2010
Its a Cordyline, a mature one, and it probably suffered during the winter. Hard to say whether its in brilliant health, but if the upright growth is anything to go by, it's looking okay.
4 Jun, 2010