By Alanbarwick
United Kingdom
My lovely collie dog Jessie has turned my back lawn into a brown and green patchwork whilst doing her business, Has anyone any ideas about refurbishing this lawn.
4 Jun, 2010
we try and throw a bucket of water down after the dogs done a wee, it seems to work. just need a bucket handy and try to keep an eye on them when their on the grass. we get no brown patches where he wee's but still get them in other places on the lawn. think it must be cats or maybe a fox. any ideas??
4 Jun, 2010
he mite mark more than you see nick . i realy would suggest a dog run myself .
4 Jun, 2010
wash it through .feed it reseed it and feed it and ofcourse keep the dog of it with a dog run.
4 Jun, 2010