By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Iv just bought loads red poppy seeds (Flanders to commemorate the first world war which my great grandad was killed in Mamez woods and countless other brave men) it best to start them off in little seed trays so they will come good if got about seven hundred of them in packet ...
20 May, 2014
Oh OK my soil is stoney and bit hard is there anything I can put in with them like compost which I usually put in the hole before I plant something please or do I just sprinkle them about ..thank you ..
20 May, 2014
How wonderful to remember Sharon love to see the red poppies.
20 May, 2014
just onto I do believe volunteer .
20 May, 2014
Is it not too late to sow the poppy seeds & get them to flower this year, I have some also?
20 May, 2014
Sharon I also wanted a blaze of poppies this year to commemorate those brave young men, my grandfather included, who was killed aged 29 and left three young sons under five years old. I have told everyone to sow poppies this year to mark the centenary of outbreak of WW1, but although sowing both seeds and bare root plants in flower beds, also tried seeds in pots in conservatory, I still have no poppy plants. I fear my plan to honour those men of WW1 will not come to fruition. So disappointed. I bet next year I can't move for poppies in the garden!
20 May, 2014
I always thought the red 'Flanders' poppy does best in newly disturbed soil. So I would say dig over the area where you want them and then just scatter the seeds. Of course you will also have to contend with all the other seeds that are lying dormant in the soil.
20 May, 2014
theres a farmers field wear I walk my dogs that is used for crops but every year its filled with poppies .
20 May, 2014
Oh doreenmartin I so sorry I hope your poppy's come to commemorate our brave men and also I think my great grandad was about that age I don't no properly I wish I did his body had never been found so he has no proper grave only in the wood or ? ...thank you for all your replies I will I think sprinkle them in ground I don't have many places I can put them in soil iv got more lawn .....under my front window maybe cos I'm looking still for something to plant there it is very hot there in summer ..will they stick the heat and have to be careful cos lots cats here and they will dig up ...thank you for replies
21 May, 2014
That sounds really beautiful noseypotter what colour are they wild ones yes my mum has lots of welsh poppy's yellow ones growing spreading in her garden I love them but none in mine I wish they come to my garden
21 May, 2014
there classic poppy red Sharon and quite a lovely site .
21 May, 2014
I put in a packetful and haven't seen a single one so far.
Some years ago I sowed seeds of a large annual variety and none appeared. A couple of years later lots appeared somewhere else entirely where I hadn't sown them. They seem to have minds of their own.
21 May, 2014
there probably very small and blow around in strong winds . maybe it is worth just loosely raking the soil and watering so they stay put .
22 May, 2014
No. Sow them directly onto the soil. Poppies just grow tall and floppy in pots and flower too soon.
20 May, 2014