By Gentian4
United Kingdom
Hi I have an alpine tub containing moss phlox subulata, the soil is well drained and gritty and the location is sunny but there are only a few stunted flowers struggling on it.
I have checked for slugs etc, but found nothing.
Can anyone suggest anything?
20 May, 2014
Hi, Phlox subulata, tend to only have a few flowers on each cyme, so I don't think there is anything to worry about, as long as they're growing in well drained, fertile soil, they should be fine, Derek.
20 May, 2014
Thank you for your replies. Weather here in Northumberland has been quite cold up to mid may, so maybe the plants are a little late. Cheers.
21 May, 2014
Whilst the soil for such alpines need to be gritty and 'well drained', they also require to be 'moisture retentive' - yes, it is possible.
How has your weather been in Northumberland, Gentian4? Here, in Moray, it has been very dry and windy for quite a while and containers are needing a lot of watering.
20 May, 2014