By Ian691
United Kingdom
second year victoria plum. No flowers at all??
4 Jun, 2010
Thanks very much. I have also planter a pear Confrence and apple tree Cox's last year. Both have two fruits on them. Would they benefit from a feed now. All three trees had sea weed feed and blood & bone in the hole when planted.
5 Jun, 2010
Probably no need to feed. It seems they have more than enough in there, though in future I would possibly just put a little bone meal into the planting hole. I always say about as much as you can hold in your hand....or a dessert spoonful. The bone meal will still be breaking down and releasing nitrogen slowly to the roots, whilst the phosphate in this will be helping the roots actual development.
6 Jun, 2010
Thank you the info. is a great help.
6 Jun, 2010
If it growing well, I wouldn't worry too much as this is a sign that the roots are growing well and will in the long term set the tree up for a long and fruitful life. St Julien rootstock is normally the one that takes a year or two before turning to flowers and fruit so don't worry. Third year would be normal though in late August you could select a few (say third to half) of the side shoots from this year and prune back to 2-3 leaves. These should become flower buds. If the tree is in open ground, ie without grass a lawn right up to the trunk, you could feed with a high potash rose fertilizer right now. This in conjunction with the late August prune should start the ball rolling.
4 Jun, 2010