By Mswisteria
United Kingdom
I have a young Acer 'Kelly's Gold' (about 2 metres high), that I planted 3 months ago. It has about 4 hours of sun on a sunny day but as this is England those aren't particularly frequent. In the past week I've noticed that some of its leaves are turning pale yellow and appear to be wilting (when I gently tug at them they fall off easily). It is clay soil and the area was flooded back in January/February but has been okay since March.
21 May, 2014
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If you only planted it earlier this year, its entirely possible it's not had enough water - new shrubs/trees planted in Spring need watering fairly regularly, unless there's torrential rain. Give it a good soaking now, even if its raining lightly, on a regular basis (weekly at least) up till late autumn. The only other problem (assuming you've inspected and there's nothing on the backs of leaves or stems that shouldn't be there) is whether your soil is limey or not - they don't like lime, but are happy in neutral or acid soil.
21 May, 2014