By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hi folks snails/slugs eating my hosta leaves will eggshell sprinkled around them stop them ...thank you ...
23 May, 2014
Why not collect them up, purge them and then eat them?
23 May, 2014
Oh Myron yucky is that what you have for breakfast ...good start to day;-) ;-)
23 May, 2014
I ate half a snail once when out for dinner for educational purposes
That is the reason I would hope never to eat any more!
John can you use Sluglear on veg you are going to eat?.
23 May, 2014
Not usually for breakfast Sharon, but they do make a tasty meal. As long as you take some precautions and prepare them right, there's nothing wrong about using them as a sustainable food source. The French have been eating them for years. Don't knock it 'till you've tried it. They taste lovely with garlic butter.
23 May, 2014
I wouldn't Myron because it just doesn't appeal too my mind or eyes but why waste them . I feed them too my fish and I only keep plants that they don't seam too harm . im know prude as I used to kill pigs for about 4 years and chickens before that . overactive mind I guess lol .
24 May, 2014
Be careful, they might be poisonous to the fish the same as humans. They sometimes eat poisonous plants and other things so unless you purge the snails first you might harm your fish.
I put them in a wooden box with bits of carrots for them to eat and purge all the toxins out. In about a week when their poo is orange they are safe to eat.
24 May, 2014
thanx for that Myron I will do just that .
24 May, 2014
In my experience eggs shells, grit, coffee dregs etc etc DO NOT keep,snails and slugs away.....they always find a way. I have bought some Slug Clear - a liquid you dilute in the watering can - and water the leaves and around to pot. I have had no snail damage on my hostas this year at all. I believe it is safe for birds too.
23 May, 2014