What's this plant called please?
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
I've forgotten what this plant is called. It grows to over 6' tall and has orangy-bronze plumes of flowers at this time of year. Please could someone help me with its name? Thanks.

17 Jul, 2008
That's it! Thanks Owdboggy - I'm obviously getting old... I just COULDN'T think of it! It was driving me mad. :-(
17 Jul, 2008
Yes, aka plume poppy.
17 Jul, 2008
I knows the feeling well. I can usually remember the name of a plant until someone says "What is that?"
17 Jul, 2008
Very invasive ,it is too and difficult to eradicate but it is very nice as a backdrop in a large border and I think flower arrangers like it.
18 Jul, 2008
So invasive that we have failed utterly to establish it anywhere we have tried to plant it.
18 Jul, 2008
OOOH! I've bought two of them for the back of my wide border. I hope they don't run everywhere I don't want them and just behave themselves and grow where I want them to... :-(
18 Jul, 2008
Weird, owdboggy, that they haven't established! Mine spread by seed & root...I cut off the flowers before the seeds drop. Despite that, they have spread over 2 years by about 1m each way - I pulled up smallish stems to re-pot & sell at the school summer fair, got about 8 pots-worth. Cut off the flowerheads this year to put in a vase - looked great for a few days but spread seeds all over the room! Don't think it can be that hard to eradicate, because you can identify the new seedlings/plantlets v easily & pull them out
18 Jul, 2008
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Macleaya cordata probably. Now called M. x kewensis.
17 Jul, 2008